The costs associated with wallpaper depend on the type you choose and whether you are planning to paste it to the walls by yourself or hire an expert.
As a general rule, wallpaper is most likely going to cost more than a coat of paint, but it can add a lot of character to your home. Choosing to paste wallpaper on a feature wall, or on a whole room will also dictate the final costs. Regardless of the type of wallpaper that you choose, our experts recommend that you take into consideration the following:
The technique of wallpapering was first developed in 200 B.C. China, where they used rice paper to decorate their interior walls. Since then, the techniques associated with wallpapering have come a very long way.
If you are considering decorating your walls with wallpaper, it's important to know that the most popular types are solid vinyl wallpaper, which is a good choice for kitchens and bathrooms due to its water resistant properties..
Can't decide whether to take the DIY route or hire a professional. If you choose to do it yourself, we recommend going for the peel and stick-type, which does not require you to prepare the glue and to apply it on the back of the wallpaper. However, you will still have to prepare the walls before you apply the wallpaper. If walls are greasy or dirty, it will not stick properly. If wall preparation is skipped, wallpaper will start to peel off over time, or you may notice small air bubbles appearing underneath.
One of the most popular types of wallpaper today is the photorealistic wallpaper, which can really enhance and exaggerate room ambience. This type of wallpaper is extremely versatile, as it can imitate any texture, and it can render breathtaking landscapes such as nature scenes, or city skylines. By using the latest technologies, certain wallpaper suppliers can use high-resolution photography in order to create good quality photorealistic wallpaper.
Another popular wallpaper choice is the grasscloth wallpaper, which is made solely of natural fibers. This type of wall decoration has a specific texture and it looks natural and elegant. Grasscloth wallpaper also comes in a wide range of colours.
If you are looking for a more eye-catching wallpaper, you can go with the flock wallpaper, which was extremely popular centuries ago, but can still be used to create a stylish and luxurious atmosphere. This type of wallpaper comes in different colours and patterns and has a velvet-like texture. If you are into vintage decorations, flock wallpaper should be a consideration.
There are thousands of wallpaper styles, which is why choosing the perfect one might be more challenging than you would expect. However, you can narrow down your choices by:
Now that you have decided to decorate your walls with wallpaper, there are two main aspects that need to be considered: the wallpaper costs and the costs associated with its installation.
If you decide to install the wallpaper by yourself, you can avoid spending any money on the installation process, but the end result might not be quite what you were expecting.
The general costs of wallpapering can be anywhere between $10 and $100 per meter depending on the type of wallpaper, its texture, its style, and its brand. Before choosing your wallpaper, you should have measurements for walls.
After determining the width, you should divide the number by 53cm (standard wallpaper width), and find the number of rolls that you will need. This will help you make a general idea of the amount of money that you will have to spend on the wallpaper. Keep in mind that only after you have chosen the wallpaper that you will use, and have discussed with the supplier, will you know the final costs.
Did you decide to hire a wallpaper installation team instead of installing it yourself? Contractors will charge different rates depending on a project. Wallpaper that is surface printed is generally the easiest type to install. Flock wallpaper or grasscloth wallpaper are considered more difficult to install and will cost more.
More often than not, wallpaper installation contractors charge somewhere between $30 and $50 per hour, but these rates might vary. Certain jobs will take much longer than others, as solid walls can be covered rather quickly, but cutting around doors and windows can slow down the process. Installing wallpaper on a single wall will also be significantly cheaper because it is a much quicker job. According to our specialists, covering a single wall can cost between $200 and $300.
We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about the costs of wallpaper. If you are thinking about remodeling or renovating, and wallpaper is what you are going for, you can use our platform to find a professional tradie in no time!